Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Experience : "Dunia Game"

Alamak...dah sebulan blog x update...kosong...ahh, malunyerr.. hehehe... "Dunia Game"...begitulah tajuk entry hari ni... disebabkan aku ni, game ni memang dah jadi rutin harian aku laa.. sebab tu la blog ni pun x update lama dah...boleh dikatakan 65% hard disk laptop aku dipenuhi oleh folder game..adakah aku ini jenis yang dikatakan "gila game"? ntahlah...
Kebelakangan ni, semenjak 2 atau 3 bulan ni laa aku dah kurang ckit bermain yang berat2 laa...yang aku install dalam laptop tuh..contohnya macam GTA dan Need For Speed.. bukan apa...aku mula bergiat aktif dengan game online plak... trend masa kini la katakan...hehehe... Apepun, ke dua-dua jenis game ni ada kelebihan yg tsendiri.... nak tahu yang seterusnya? tggu follow up enrty ini...hehehe...

p/s: main game jgn sampai lalai urusan ukhrawi dan duniawi lain...yang lebih utama.... ;-D

Seni dan Sastera : A Friend Who Cares

Let me be the rock to lean on,
Hands to help you walk the path,
Remove traces of confusion,
You are in my heart.

When the morning sun rises,
I will be your humming bird,
To eliminate your distress,
You are in my mind.

Your sad eyes filled with tears,
Let me wipe it with caring stares,
And we'll look on the sunset together,
You don't need to go farther.

When you feel everything is falling,
let me raise you with my spirit,
When pain resides in your heart,
I will kiss it away with love.

When everyone is against you,
I will stay and be your shield,
Lift you up, be with you,
I am your friend.

You are born in my heart,
I will not disgrace your trust,
Let me warm you with my love,
Truly a friend, one who cares.